Wisdom Teeth:As the last teeth to erupt in the mouth, wisdom teeth often cannot find a place to erupt. They cause problems because there is little space left for them. Wisdom teeth usually start erupting at the age of 17.They are located as the last tooth behind the second molar, that is, tooth number seven. …
Wisdom Teeth:
As the last teeth to erupt in the mouth, wisdom teeth often cannot find a place to erupt. They cause problems because there is little space left for them. Wisdom teeth usually start erupting at the age of 17.
They are located as the last tooth behind the second molar, that is, tooth number seven. In some people, they may not form at all at birth. In this case, nothing needs to be done. However, wisdom teeth, which are usually impacted today, can cause pain and suffering due to the pressure they exert on the jawbone and the tooth in front. In such cases, they need to be removed surgically.
When the tooth is impacted, it can be removed under the gum or under the bone. The tooth can be reached after the gum is removed for extraction and, if necessary, the bone tissue under the gum is abraded, and the maxillofacial surgery department is working intensively on the extraction of wisdom teeth.

Problems caused by impacted wisdom teeth:
The biggest problem is the removal of the teeth that have erupted a little and the orthodontic movement of these teeth, which spoils the appearance. Inflammation occurs due to the pressure they create around the wisdom teeth that do not erupt. This infection can cause facial pain and difficulty in opening the mouth. In the area of wisdom teeth, the gums swell. If some of the teeth erupt and some do not, a gingival pocket is formed. Bacterial plaque is retained in the gingival pocket and bad odor appears in the mouth.

Decay of wisdom teeth at the edge of the gum pocket is also a common problem. Since wisdom teeth put pressure on the lower jaw, they cause the jaw to grow forward. In orthodontic treatment, it is often preferred to remove these teeth as soon as possible if growth in the lower jaw is not desired.
Numbness in the lower lip may occur due to inflammation that presses on the nerve tissue, not the bone house around the neglected wisdom teeth. Again, as a result of the wisdom teeth being large and melting the bone around them due to inflammation, risks such as fracture of the lower jaw may occur even with a minor trauma. Wisdom teeth that cannot erupt for a long time cause muscle spasm due to the pressure they exert and can lead to undesirable situations such as jaw locking, the so-called forced mouth opening. There are different techniques to be applied by the surgeon depending on the position of the impacted tooth. Regardless of the situation or technique, you will not feel any pain during extraction of the wisdom tooth.

How is a wisdom tooth extracted?
Jaw surgery first numbs the working area with local anesthesia and tries to reach the tooth by lifting the gum to remove the tooth from the area where it is located. If the tooth is in the bone and the surrounding area is closed, it may be necessary to abrade the bone. In this case, you may feel a vibration and fluid in your mouth. In order to prevent bone heating, the rotary motor working together with the saline fluid abrades the bone and the tooth is removed by relaxing in the mouth. Patients who want to have a smooth wisdom tooth operation should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. If you have been recommended antibiotics or any painkillers before the treatment, you must take them regularly at the recommended time.
It is recommended that you get ready for the operation without filling your stomach too much before the operation.
During the operation, you should make the physician work as comfortably as possible and you should not close your mouth unnecessarily.
The most difficult issue in wisdom teeth extraction is that the extraction area is at the back of the mouth and access is difficult. This problem can be solved with the help of the patient. The price of wisdom tooth extraction varies according to the position of the tooth to be extracted, that is, the difficulty of the extraction. The condition of the tooth in the bone, the anatomical formations around it and the time the physician will spend for this procedure determine the price of wisdom tooth extraction.
You may need to use medication before and after the extraction. You should keep in mind that there may be some swelling on your face after the operation, so it is recommended to take time off from work or adjust your work schedule.
Wisdom tooth extraction in our clinic:
Wisdom tooth extractions are performed by appointment. In the first examination, a panoramic dental x-ray is taken and you will be given precise information about the price of the procedure. When you come back later, your surgical procedure will be completed and you will need to visit the dentist again a week later to have stitches removed. You can contact us from our page to make an appointment.