Tooth decay often causes toothache. The cold-hot effect during eating or with drinks can increase toothache. Toothache can sometimes start suddenly. It is especially important to pay attention to pain that starts at night.It can sometimes be difficult to understand whether the toothache originates in the lower jaw or the upper jaw. It is even …

What is Good for Toothache?

Tooth decay often causes toothache. The cold-hot effect during eating or with drinks can increase toothache. Toothache can sometimes start suddenly. It is especially important to pay attention to pain that starts at night.

It can sometimes be difficult to understand whether the toothache originates in the lower jaw or the upper jaw. It is even possible to feel like an earache when one of the molars in the back area hurts. When pain occurs in the cheekbones and sinus area of the jaw, it is very difficult to distinguish it from toothache. Pain can be felt around the painful tooth and sometimes in the throat. Sometimes the pain is not caused by tooth decay but by periodontal disease.

If you have pain in the teeth that starts out of nowhere, if you experience toothache when you go to bed at night, if you feel toothache for more than one day, it is recommended that you go as soon as possible. If tooth decay is not treated in time, it can progress and lead to severe infection. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are often used for toothache. However, since there is a risk of allergy, these medicines should not be used randomly without consulting a doctor. Children under 16 should never be given medicines such as aspirin. You should find a dentist as soon as possible to have a toothache treated.

Toothache is caused by the progression of tooth decay and its spread to the pulp chamber. The pulp chamber contains blood vessels and nerves. Pain occurs in this area due to infection. Toothache can occur when a tooth decays, breaks or cracks, when a tooth filling and tooth filling moves or cracks, or when there is pressure on the gums.

Toothache treatment:

Your dentist will examine your mouth. He or she will try to find the tooth or teeth that are causing the toothache. It treats decayed teeth and gives you advice on how to prevent them from decaying. A panoramic dental x-ray is usually used to detect this oral decay. The entire mouth area is visualized with a panoramic film.

When the dentist detects decay, he or she will remove the decay and apply a dental filling for decay that is not too advanced. If the pain is caused by a dislodged or broken old filling or a broken filling, the dentist will need to remove the filling and replace it with a new one. If the decay has penetrated into the hard layers of the tooth and progressed to the pulp chamber, the tooth needs root canal treatment.

Filled toothache:

Toothache can occur when a filling moves or cracks. Secondary tooth decay can occur due to marginal leakage between the tooth and the filling over time. In this case, we recommend that you make an appointment and have your dental treatment done without wasting time.

Inflamed Toothache:

When the decay progresses and causes infection in the root of the tooth, antibiotics are required. After an examination in our dental clinic, we can tell you which medicines will be suitable for you.

Prevention of toothache:

The best way to prevent toothache is to go for regular dental check-ups so that cavities can be detected at the beginning and treated before they progress. In order to maintain healthy teeth and gums for a long time, sugary foods and drinks should be limited. Irregular eating and sugar consumption between meals should be reduced.

Tooth brushing should be done twice a day using toothpaste containing fluorine. It is necessary to clean between the gums and, if necessary, between the teeth using mouthwash. Avoiding bad habits such as smoking will positively affect dental and oral health. During regular annual dental check-ups, the health of your teeth and gums is assessed and necessary treatments are applied.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu