Illegal teeth whitening is still widespread, BBC investigation findsAccording to a recent investigation by the BBC, although clinic-style teeth whitening is illegal in Europe unless carried out by a registered , it is still widespread.People without adequate training, skills and knowledge are offering teeth whitening services illegally, despite laws against it. The solution used to …

The Dangers of “Backstreet” Teeth Whitening

Illegal teeth whitening is still widespread, BBC investigation finds

According to a recent investigation by the BBC, although clinic-style teeth whitening is illegal in Europe unless carried out by a registered , it is still widespread.

People without adequate training, skills and knowledge are offering teeth whitening services illegally, despite laws against it. The solution used to whiten teeth in these places is often not diluted enough and can cause burning of the lips and gums.

Circumnavigating the law

The investigation found cases of attempts to circumvent the law by not performing the whitening procedure themselves but having the patient apply the whitening product. From the patient’s point of view, this allows them to use solutions that are stronger than home use products, and the business is circumventing the law.

The use of such solutions by untrained patients can cause serious burns. This has the potential to lead to a lifelong problem of sensitive teeth and worse.

Safe teeth whitening

If you intend to have teeth whitening in such places because they are cheaper, you should give up. In such places, your teeth may be damaged and you may be exposed to burns.

With a dentist with the necessary equipment and competence, this procedure can be carried out safely and without risk and can be repeated afterwards.

Although the system used may at first seem similar to the system used in illegal places, the effect of the solution used is controlled to be safe and the impression sticks containing the solution are custom made to suit you. This minimizes the chance of the bleaching solution leaking. In addition to the safety aspects of the bleaching procedure, you can also have it done in the comfort of your own home. You know that time is important for many people and you should seek help from dental clinics that offer the convenience of receiving this service in the comfort of your home.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu