Tooth stains are a big problem especially for people who care about their appearance. If there are unwanted stains on the surface of the teeth when smiling, they should be removed. Tooth stains can occur for different reasons. Tooth stains, which can sometimes be removed in a very simple way, can sometimes be eliminated after …
Tooth stains are a big problem especially for people who care about their appearance. If there are unwanted stains on the surface of the teeth when smiling, they should be removed. Tooth stains can occur for different reasons. Tooth stains, which can sometimes be removed in a very simple way, can sometimes be eliminated after the applications to be made by the dentist.
First, the source of the tooth stain should be found
It should be determined whether the tooth stain is a superficial stain or a stain originating from inside the tooth. Superficial stains are found on the top layer of the tooth. They are usually caused by food and dark-colored drinks. Consumption of acidic beverages removes the tooth resin and surface gloss and prepares a suitable ground for the surface not to be contaminated. Due to genetic disorders, there may be indentations on the tooth surface and suitable areas for stain formation. Effective whitening pastes produced by toothpaste companies will never give results like teeth whitening methods applied in the dentist’s office.
Foods Causing Tooth Stains
Foods such as kale, spinach, wine, cola, turnip can cause dark stains on the tooth surface.
Teeth should be cleaned immediately after consuming foods that stain teeth. Even rinsing with water will be effective to prevent stains on the teeth.
Tooth Stains Caused by Coffee
The tannin in coffee can stain the surface of the work. It is only possible to remove the coffee stain at an early stage. Regular brushing with stain-removing toothpastes can remove the coffee stain from the teeth. However, for teeth that have not been surface cleaned for a long time and have a large amount of coffee stains accumulated on them, it will be necessary to seek help from my dentist.

Tooth Stains / Tooth Yellowing caused by Smoking
As it is known, cigarettes form a dark layer on tooth surfaces. This layer cannot be removed by brushing your teeth. Tooth stains caused by smoking can only be removed by a dentist. It will be possible to get rid of cigarette stains by cleaning without damaging your tooth enamel.

Wrong Habits Can Cause Tooth Stains
Some habits may cause cavities in the tooth enamel. For example, picking between teeth with a toothpick or running a needle over the teeth. Teeth grinding can also cause the enamel to break off in some areas. Teeth that have lost their enamel layer create a favorable environment for stains. Improper tooth brushing also causes the enamel layer to dissolve, exposing favorable areas for stain formation.
Sociology of Stains
People with stains on their teeth do not feel well in public. Tooth stains are not socially accepted and indicate that the person is neglected.
Treatment of Tooth Stains
Regardless of the reason, tooth stains can be removed by the dentist with appropriate methods. The dentist reveals the cause of the tooth stain and recommends a solution accordingly. Sometimes tooth stains can be treated with tooth whitening, sometimes with bonding or dental veneers for the surface.
Stain Treatment methods
- Tooth Whitening
- Bonding(Composite Laminate Veneer)
- Dental Veneers ( Zirconium, Laminate Veneer, Empress Full Porcelain)

How to Prevent Tooth Stains
People who have a favorable environment for discoloration on tooth surfaces should pay more attention to their eating habits and tooth brushing habits. Regular dental check-upsare of great importance.
Teeth whitening may not always be a solution for stains
Tooth whitening may not always be a solution to eliminate tooth stains on the teeth over time. Changing the color of the tooth over time can be removed by tooth whitening method. However, stains in the form of dirt on the tooth surface due to poor cleaning of the tooth can only be eliminated by the dental cleaning process to be performed by the dentist.

Tooth Stains Caused by the Internal Structure of the Tooth
Some tooth stains are stains that occur in the internal structure of the tooth due to antibiotics taken during the developmental period of the teeth and febrile diseases in childhood. In order to clean these tooth stains, professional intervention is absolutely necessary.
Brush Your Teeth Regularly
Regular brushing of the teeth helps to prevent problems that will arise over time, as well as to prevent deep tooth discoloration that will occur over time. Brushing your teeth by taking enough time can only pay off after a long time. We should know that brushing is not enough and we should go to the dentist at regular intervals.