People often grind their teeth during sleep without realizing it. People under stress and people with a low anxiety threshold often grind their teeth. This can sometimes continue without causing any symptoms or problems in the mouth. However, the shortening of the length of the teeth in a short period of time means that the …

Teeth Grinding & Teeth Clenching in Sleep

People often grind their teeth during sleep without realizing it. People under stress and people with a low anxiety threshold often grind their teeth. This can sometimes continue without causing any symptoms or problems in the mouth. However, the shortening of the length of the teeth in a short period of time means that the tooth surfaces and the joint wear out. This can lead to headaches and earaches. Many people do not realize that they are grinding their teeth.

The Cause of Teeth Grinding is 70%: Stress

Usually, teeth are clenched during sleep due to stress, this rate is around 70 percent. A person’s lifestyle, alcohol, smoking and other substances they use can increase the risk of clenching. Lifestyle factors should be reviewed in patients with Bruxism.

Tooth Grinding Treatment

1) Apparatus for Sleep Use / Night Plate (Anti-Grinding/Protective Plate)

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Effective results can be obtained with behavioral treatments and mouth guards in the treatment of bruxism. Protective trays worn in the mouth reduce the feeling of the need to chew and squeeze during nighttime teeth clenching. It also protects the surface of the teeth. Night plaque delays wear on the joint and tooth surface.

2) Taking Muscle Relaxants Before Going to Sleep

Other supportive therapies such as muscle relaxants, exercise, sleep health, etc. can also help with other methods of sensitization.

3) Stress Reduction and Psychological Treatment

Habitual clenching of teeth under stress can be eliminated using psychological techniques. Psychologists can help treat addictions such as smoking and alcohol.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu