Removing Amalgam Fillings Leads to Improved HealthRemoving Amalgam Fillings Associated with Decreased Memory, Fatigue, Anxiety, Confusion and Other Health Problems Improves Health Status, According to a Canadian StudyWhile there is little doubt about the health risks of mercury vapor, there is no clear evidence on the lower limit of safe amalgam fillings, nor on the …

Replacing Amalgam Fillings Protects Your Overall Health

Removing Amalgam Fillings Leads to Improved Health

Removing Amalgam Fillings Associated with Decreased Memory, Fatigue, Anxiety, Confusion and Other Health Problems Improves Health Status, According to a Canadian Study

While there is little doubt about the health risks of mercury vapor, there is no clear evidence on the lower limit of safe amalgam fillings, nor on the adverse health effects of chronic exposure to low levels of mercury vapor from amalgam fillings.

As is well known, dental amalgams are composed of fifty percent mercury mixed with other metals. But does this fifty percent pose a significant health risk? A recent study at the University of Calgaryin Canada sought to clarify this issue, namely the relationship between mercury exposure from amalgam fillings and the associated adverse effects.

The aim of the study was to determine whether there was a relationship between having amalgam fillings, the amount of mercury in urine, and reported health problems, and whether these symptoms were reduced in people who had them removed, compared to people who did not have their amalgam fillings removed.

Mercury vapor from amalgam fillings was the main source of mercury in the organs of the study subjects. This most recent study found higher mercury rates in women, despite similar mercury exposure rates due to their relatively smaller body size and mass.

Findings one year after removal of amalgam fillings

All study subjects who had their amalgam fillings removed reported a reduction in symptoms. However, it is not entirely possible to know whether this is due to a reduced mercury load or to a placebo effect. Nevertheless, while there is such data, even if the amount leached from amalgam fillings is small, it should be encouraged to turn to alternative filling materials for dental fillings to reduce unnecessary exposure to mercury and other heavy metals.

Symptoms of Amalgam Filling Removal

A study investigating the truth or falsity of the claim that having amalgam fillings removed will at least temporarily increase the mercury load found that if the procedure is performed correctly and according to protocols, no such increase occurs.

Therefore, if you are considering amalgam removal, it is unlikely that the negative symptoms you are experiencing will increase.

Evidence shows that exposure to mercury from amalgam fillings can adversely affect health and therefore they are a health risk.

The use of safer dental fillings should therefore be encouraged to prevent health problems caused by mercury exposure.

It is important to find someone who fully understands the potential consequences of mercury from dental fillings, who can remove amalgam fillings in accordance with procedures, and who can guide you through an additional detox program to rid your body of heavy metals.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu