Preventive and Preventive Orthodontic TreatmentPedodontic specialists who treat children's teeth should aim to protect the whole oral and dental health of the child rather than filling individual teeth. Protective methods should be applied in the mouth starting from infancy. The main goal should be to ensure a healthy transition to the permanent dentition period with …
Preventive and Preventive Orthodontic Treatment
Pedodontic specialists who treat children’s teeth should aim to protect the whole oral and dental health of the child rather than filling individual teeth. Protective methods should be applied in the mouth starting from infancy. The main goal should be to ensure a healthy transition to the permanent dentition period with the controls and procedures to be carried out in the early period for the future ages in children’s teeth.
Milk Teeth should not be extracted!
The most important cause of dental-induced orthodontic disorders is the loss of deciduous teeth at an early age. Milk teeth with tooth decay should be kept in the mouth with treatment instead of extraction.
Tooth Loss Can Disrupt Children’s Psychology!
For children, losing teeth at an early age due to saliva or trauma is a factor that can negatively affect speech and the production of some sounds. In addition, it should not be forgotten that what I want is not only important for adults, but also for children, as it is a factor that can cause self-confidence and psychological problems.
Dental Health is Very Important in the Age of Growth and Development
Above all, tooth loss during the most active period of growth and development. Disruption of the chewing function due to decayed teeth or jaw and teeth due to tooth extraction will negatively affect growth and development.

Milk Teeth
One of the most important functions of deciduous teeth is to maintain the necessary space for permanent teeth. It is essential to maintain the size of the deciduous residual, which is the length between the milk second molars, and the space for the permanent teeth to fit smoothly. A decrease in this distance usually occurs for two main reasons.
Interfacial Caries and Early Tooth Extractions:
In addition to these two reasons, excessive tooth eruption, interfacial caries and faulty fillings in contact formation cause either loss or loss. In children who lose their deciduous teeth, especially molars, in the early period, both elongation of the teeth in the opposite jaw and various levels of occlusion are observed. The effects of this situation are also reflected in the period with permanent teeth. For these reasons, the application called placeholder, which is made to protect the extraction cavity and regain the lost functions in the early registration of milk teeth, should be done without neglect. Placeholders should be applied as fixed or removable according to the patient’s condition and should be followed up afterwards. Since orthodontic treatmentsare both costly and take a long time, it is recommended to take the necessary protective measures from the eruption of milk teeth.