Porcelain Inlays, Crowns & Porcelain Veneers are a cost-effective way to cosmetically correct broken, cracked, worn, overfilled or unsightly teeth.In professional dental clinics, only the highest quality and most advanced porcelain materials are used to create a beautiful smile.After an initial consultation, the most suitable treatment is decided for you.Porcelain Fillings : Inlays & OnlaysPorcelain …

Porcelain Inlay Onlay Filling, Laminate Porcelain, and Crown Coatings

Porcelain Inlays, Crowns & Porcelain Veneers are a cost-effective way to cosmetically correct broken, cracked, worn, overfilled or unsightly teeth.

In professional dental clinics, only the highest quality and most advanced porcelain materials are used to create a beautiful smile.

After an initial consultation, the most suitable treatment is decided for you.

Porcelain Fillings : Inlays & Onlays

Porcelain Inlay & Onlay is a porcelain filling placed to protect the tooth during chewing. They are custom-made in our laboratories by our technicians to fit inside and on top of the tooth. Inlays are used when there is not enough tooth structure to support direct filling placement.

This procedure is performed over the course of two appointments. At the first appointment, the tooth is prepared, impressions are taken and the temporary inlay is placed. At the second appointment, the permanent inlay is attached to the tooth.

Porcelain Crown Veneers

A porcelain crown is a veneer or restoration used to replace a missing part of a tooth.

There are several indications to recognize when a tooth needs a crown. There may be cosmetic reasons for this procedure, but it is often chosen because of a lack of tooth structure. If a tooth is broken or overfilled, it can be quite weak and can easily break. The crown is placed to protect the tooth from the harsh biting pressure that is placed on the tooth during eating.

We only use the latest metal-free alternatives that deliver realistic results. These porcelains allow light to pass through the crown, making them indistinguishable from the natural teeth in your mouth. With no metal core/core inside the crown, there are no gray lines that appear in older metal crowns with ceramic crowns.

Laminate Veneer

A porcelain leaf is a thin layer of porcelain used to cover the front of the tooth.

Laminate veneers are used in cases where the enamel is worn, discolored, chipped or out of alignment.

Although laminate veneers are extremely thin, they become very strong when bonded to the tooth. It prevents the appearance of unwanted stains and discolored teeth on the underlying tooth. Creates a natural and beautiful smile.

Inlays, crowns and porcelain veneers ensure that your teeth are restored to a high standard. Using the latest and most modern materials, your new teeth will give you the natural look you want and add confidence to your smile.

Which treatment is right for me?

The answer depends on your teeth and your bite. The most suitable treatment will be recommended for you at the initial consultation.

Is long-term care necessary?

No, but we recommend regular oral health and hygiene check-ups to protect your teeth and gums and prolong the life of your treatment.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu