When there is a loss of material in the tooth due to decay, the first solution considered and applied is dental filling. However, if the decay has progressed and spread to a large enough area to disrupt the appearance of the tooth, inlay and onlay fillings known as aesthetic fillings are applied. As in normal …

Porcelain Filling : Inlay & Onlay

When there is a loss of material in the tooth due to decay, the first solution considered and applied is dental filling. However, if the decay has progressed and spread to a large enough area to disrupt the appearance of the tooth, inlay and onlay fillings known as aesthetic fillings are applied. As in normal filling, the decaying and volume-losing parts of the tooth are prepared and completed like porcelain veneers. Composite fillings applied in the clinic for molars have gained properties almost close to the resistance and aesthetics of the tooth. For this reason, this type of filling is not widely used today.

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It can be applied to molars with excessive loss of material on the surface or with more than one broken surface.

It can be applied when an ideal contact point cannot be obtained when there is interface caries in two neighboring teeth.

It can be applied to obtain a solid surface on teeth that have lost fluid due to root canal treatment and are easily broken.

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Inlay Onlay Filling in Molar Teeth

Inlay onlay fillings can be used when it is desired to obtain a near-natural appearance and to make wear-resistant restorations on the chewing surfaces of molars.

Inlay onlay fillings, which are reported to have less edge leakage compared to classical fillings in the literature, can be preferred especially when acid consumption is high in the mouth.

By using inlay fillings in teeth that need veneers, abrasion can be prevented from the solid income of the tooth. Since they are made of porcelain material, their surfaces are perfectly polished and do not allow the formation of bacterial plaque to hold food residues. Since they are prepared in a laboratory environment, the surfaces are prepared close to ideal in the area where the teeth come into contact with each other and are adhered to the tooth in the mouth. Since they passively adapt to the tooth, they support the tooth, reduce the risk of fracture, but it is not possible to completely prevent it.

Inlay & Onlay Porcelain Filling Prices

The biggest problem during the use of the system is the cost of a normal filling. The approximate price is 4 to 5 times the price of the filling.

Inlay & Onlay Porcelain Filling Treatment Stages

During the application phase, at least two and sometimes three sessions of treatment require a physician visit. In the event that it is not a one-to-one fit, there is a need to go back to the beginning and repeat it again, so the application areas remain limited in clinical practice.

When needed, we recommend inlay or onlay application to our patients. Very good results can be obtained with meticulous work applied when the patient’s possibilities allow.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu