Whether they prefer porcelain crowns (porcelain dental veneers) or porcelain veneers (leaf porcelain dental veneers, laminate veneers), the most important issue for people who want to receive these treatments is that their teeth provide a natural and aesthetic appearance so that it is not understood that they have undergone any procedure.The changes should not be …

Porcelain Crown and Porcelain Veneer

Whether they prefer porcelain crowns (porcelain dental veneers) or porcelain veneers (leaf porcelain dental veneers, laminate veneers), the most important issue for people who want to receive these treatments is that their teeth provide a natural and aesthetic appearance so that it is not understood that they have undergone any procedure.The changes should not be too noticeable and should increase self-confidence.

It is necessary, useful and extremely important to recognize what offers from the patient’s point of view. This article will focus on two innovative techniques and strategies. Although structurally different, in many cases, these two restorative techniques produce almost identical aesthetic results. Aesthetically, both porcelain laminated veneers and porcelain crowns require the use of the latest ceramic technologies.


Dental porcelain is used to create a natural-looking tooth shape for both veneers and crowns. Although they have similar visual characteristics to natural teeth, one technique may be more suitable than the other, depending on patient wants and needs. Both as a healthcare professional and as an artist, must consider many factors when choosing which technique will provide the best restoration.


Porcelain laminate veneers consist of thin ceramic layers that replace tooth enamel. It adheres to the outer surface of the tooth, similar to a contact lens for the eye.

The natural tooth structure must first be abraded a minimal amount, about 1 mm or less from the tooth enamel. On the abraded area, a perfect beauty can be created that mimics the natural tooth shape, both in color and shape.

Porcelain veneers offer an excellent solution for some aesthetic defects such as unwanted tooth color, unwanted tooth shape or contours, broken teeth, tooth position, as well as some chewing-related problems. They are also an excellent option for dealing with superficial stains on teeth that are not suitable for whitening.


Like a king’s crown on his head, a crown largely, if not completely, replaces the body of the tooth. The term cap is used synonymously with crown. A crown completely replaces the outer part of the tooth up to the gum level. No matter what remains of the tooth’s inner core, “crowning” a tooth recreates its natural form and function (the way it comes into contact with other teeth). Whether due to tooth decay or damage from trauma, restoring much of the tooth structure is part of the crown design. Crowns can also create visible improvements for patients whose teeth are worn down due to a habit of bruxism (clenching and grinding) or enamel erosion.

Crowns, like veneers, are ideal for changing tooth color and shape; in some cases they can make this change easier. Porcelain crowns are most often required when more tooth structure has been lost and therefore more material is needed to replace it. Conversely, if more tooth structure needs to be removed (due to deeper staining) and/or strengthened, crowns are the restoration of choice. For the back teeth that receive more bite force, state-of-the-art durable zirconium crowns can be a good alternative.

For crowns to be used in the front teeth, full ceramic crowns can be preferred because they are one level closer to the natural color and light transmittance of the tooth.


The main difference between a porcelain veneer and a crown is that the amount of abrasion on the tooth is different. Generally speaking, a crown requires more porcelain thickness. To place a porcelain veneer, a tooth structure thickness of at least 2 millimeters (mm) is needed.

For these two different restorative applications, porcelain itself, a glass-like ceramic material, required modification for strengthening purposes, especially when used on posterior teeth subjected to stronger bite forces.


The fixing (bonding) of laminated veneers and crowns to teeth can be similar. Both are placed with a light-sensitive resin and solidified with the use of a blue or ultraviolet light source. Ultra-thin porcelain veneers show their optimal strength by being bonded and attached to the underlying tooth enamel. In addition, the overall retention of “full ceramic” crowns is increased by their attachment to the tooth enamel instead of the dentin layer.


Often a comprehensive evaluation as well as a diagnostic assessment is critical prior to any procedure. These elective procedures not only provide appropriate aesthetic and functional opportunities, but also allow individuals to evaluate the final outcome prior to any permanent change. Just as we want to look at a car before buying one, this protective approach will involve you in the decision-making process and increase your comfort in both the process and the outcome.


Being able to see the result before the procedure even begins is a unique tool in dentistry. Whether it is to improve the appearance of an anterior tooth or a group of anterior teeth, modeling is a critical procedure after a thorough dental examination. It is the process of preparing a model that replicates the procedure in the mouth.


You may go to your dentist with one or more problems. Some examples of these could be tooth decay, gapped teeth, broken edges and corners, stains and discoloration, rotated teeth or uneven gum lines that spoil the appearance of your smile.

Creating a model is creating a “trial smile”, which gives you the thrill of actually being part of your own smile transformation. This simple procedure allows your dentists to apply tooth-colored filling materials to temporarily improve the shape and form of teeth, close gaps between teeth, or replicate the ideal balance between the gum line and teeth. In turn, it allows you to try on the newly created tooth shapes with the lips free and in a full smile. This also gives you and those around you time to decide if you like your new look.

After photographing your teeth before and after the “model”, your dentist can easily remove tooth-colored materials and return the teeth to their original state.

At your next visit to the dentist, you can review and compare photos of these transformational changes. By actively participating in your own treatment, you can discuss and evaluate the proposed changes and offer further suggestions and possible improvements. In conclusion – it all depends on you, so you should want the best for yourself by having this knowledge and awareness.


Several factors determine the decision-making process for placing porcelain veneers or crowns. For example, may tell you that conditions require porcelain veneers to be made thicker than usual to cover a larger percentage of a tooth to bring it in line with neighboring or adjacent teeth. A severely stained tooth may also require more tooth preparation to give the desired effect. In other cases, such as when more than just the face of the tooth requires improvement, some sort of middle ground between veneers and crowns can be achieved. In fact, porcelain veneer restorations are preferred where the entire surface of the tooth is covered.


These techniques cannot fully correct poor tooth position, poor bite relationships or a poor profile. However, they can correct minor alignment problems, depending on the individual case. In most cases, some orthodontic treatment (braces) may be required first to bring the teeth into the proper position, both functionally and aesthetically. Ceramic restorations can be an excellent restorative solution, but like many other techniques, they have both advantages and disadvantages.


From dental porcelain, a skilled ceramic artist can create impressive dental imitations that mimic tooth enamel. The properties associated with porcelain are glass-like whiteness and translucency, which are particularly important from an optical and visual point of view. These nuances allow light to pass through and/or diffuse, and therefore a realistic appearance.

Porcelain is a form of inorganic and non-metallic ceramic material created from the action of heat. Dental porcelain can be made in different colors and shades; they are manufactured in powder form to correspond to the main colors of the basic tooth structure. These products are mixed with water and placed in a kiln for “firing”, where they acquire their ceramic structure. Porcelain is created in layers to mimic the shades and contours of tooth enamel and its natural translucency.


In the past, the problems with porcelain restorations were with those consisting of high densities of glass particles. They are brittle and have low tensile strength and, like glass, have a high tendency to break. One way to overcome this was to include a core or substrate made of metal, such as cast gold with a porcelain coating. Unfortunately, when strengthening the crown, metal tends to take away from the glass-like translucency and realistic appearance of porcelain – not such a big problem for posterior teeth, but not desirable for anterior teeth.

Recently, the newest class of all-ceramic crowns utilizes an internal ceramic “core” made of “Zirconia” that adds aesthetic beauty and durability. This polycrystalline ceramic core (poly = many – a crystal structure that gives it more strength) is the same material that forms the basic structure of fake diamonds.

CAD-CAM (Computer Aided Design – Computer Aided Manufacturing) technology is a dental innovation that gives crown restorations exceptional fit and contour accuracy. Using a special wand/rod/wand to scan a tooth being replaced for a new crown, the information is sent from a computer to a milling machine to ensure the exact fit of the “ceramic core” of the crown. Porcelain is then fired on top of this core to mimic the shape and color of the tooth and give it its customary shine and translucency. The result of this computer-aided system is a reinforced core crown that is permanently cemented to the remaining natural tooth.


In many cases porcelain veneers and crowns can give satisfactory and ideal results, but the structural characteristics of these two dental restorations are different. In the final analysis, precise terminology is irrelevant. The secret to a successful outcome is knowing what to use and when to use it. This is the domain of dentists with their knowledge, skills and experience. Whether veneers or crowns are used to improve your smile, the important thing is that your teeth just look great without it being obvious that they have been treated.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu