No Preparation Porcelain VeneersEvery day, more and more people are discovering the huge differences that laminated dental veneerscan make. Laminated veneers improve the color, shape and overall appearance of teeth and address cosmetic problems such as stains, gaps and irregularities. Conventional veneer placement involves a relatively extensive preparation of the teeth and often a significant …

Non-Prep Porcelain Veneers

No Preparation Porcelain Veneers

Every day, more and more people are discovering the huge differences that laminated dental veneerscan make. Laminated veneers improve the color, shape and overall appearance of teeth and address cosmetic problems such as stains, gaps and irregularities. Conventional veneer placement involves a relatively extensive preparation of the teeth and often a significant amount of tooth structure removal. But today, preparation-free laminated veneers can achieve many of the same benefits with little or no tooth preparation.

What is a laminated veneer?

Laminated veneers are very thin layers of porcelain or composite materials. Although translucent and realistic, they are attached to the front of your teeth, where they visibly change the shape of your smile. Although they are usually 1 mm or less thin, they add volume to the tooth, which can sometimes feel or look unnatural. It was therefore necessary to prepare the tooth by removing some of the enamel (the hard mineralized surface) to create space for the veneers. Although it is a routine procedure and anesthesia is used for the patient’s comfort, some people are reluctant to undergo this type of dental treatment. Also, the removal of dental enamel made having conventional veneers an irreversible procedure: Once you did it, there was no going back.

Unprepared and Minimum Prepared Options

‘No preparation’, as the name suggests, is when the teeth are left virtually untouched and the veneers are bonded to them. A more common procedure, minimal preparation, involves a small amount of reshaping of the teeth to keep them natural and visually appealing. In this procedure, an abrasive tool is used to reshape the enamel and shape the flat side of your teeth. Then, contact lens-thin laminated veneers are placed on the tooth without going below the gum line.

After the examination, your dentist will tell you whether unprepared or minimally prepared veneers are suitable.

Laminated dental veneers are most suitable for people who

  • People who have small teeth, or whose teeth appear smaller than they really are because they have large lips or for other reasons.
  • People with a narrow smile where the teeth on the sides are not visible from the front during the smile.
  • People with slightly stained or misshapen teeth(e.g. small and hook-shaped permanent teeth)

Installation of Preparation-Free Laminated Veneers

If your enamel is in good condition, unprepared or minimally prepared laminated veneers can be bonded directly. The procedure is minimally invasive, does not cause tooth sensitivityand does not require anesthesia. Although it is not necessary to use temporary restorations for your comfort, they are often used to show how the result will look aesthetically after the final restorations. The entire procedure can be carried out in a few appointments, from the initial consultation to the impression and final crown.

In addition to being less invasive, this procedure is also reversible because the original tooth remains intact. However, because veneers form a strong bond with the enamel, they are not always easy to remove.

When Further Preparation is Required

Nowadays, with the availability of extremely thin porcelain(0.3-0.5 mm thick), it is often possible to avoid expensive tooth preparation. However, there are still cases where enamel removal is unavoidable.

If the person has teeth that are larger than normal and protrude forward, even the thinnest veneer cannot be attached without causing a rough appearance. In these cases, partial removal of the enamel is necessary. More extensive dental problems, such as malocclusion (bad bite/closure), often require more preparation and in some cases orthodontic work such as braces may be a better solution. But in most cases, no-prep laminated veneers will visibly improve your smile in minimal time.

For the long-term success of your veneers, you should be clear about your expectations and goals. For example, some people require a significant amount of color and shape change, and a minimally invasive technique may not work for these people. The veneer specialist should consider your oral health, your current smile, your goals and expectations before recommending the most suitable option for you.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu