Gummy Gums Appear While Smiling It can be extremely uncomfortable for some of us when our upper teeth as well as our gums are visible when we smile. The attractiveness of a smile is both aesthetic and perceptual.When some of us smile, too much gum tissue can be seen. If the teeth are too small …

Visible Gums – Gummy Smile

Gummy Gums Appear While Smiling

It can be extremely uncomfortable for some of us when our upper teeth as well as our gums are visible when we smile. The attractiveness of a smile is both aesthetic and perceptual.When some of us smile, too much gum tissue can be seen. If the teeth are too small or the palate bone is too bulky, the gum tissue will appear too much. A beautiful smile is possible with the proportionality of teeth and gum tissues. It is possible to have an ideal smile thanks to dental aesthetic procedures, which we call pink aesthetics in dentistry.


What is the definition of an ideal smile?Defining a smile as attractive or pleasing is actually a matter of perception and therefore varies from person to person. However, studies and averages show that a smile is generally pleasing, and if the gums appear more than one-fifth of the size of the teeth, it usually bothers people. What should not be forgotten is that for some people, a gingival smile may be more attractive when evaluated together with facial morphology. Provided, of course, that the gums are healthy.If the appearance of the gums during the smile negatively affects the person’s life, comfort and pleasure of smiling, it may be necessary to do something about it. The first thing to do, of course, is to find out with your dentist what is bothering you. Understanding and agreeing on the cause will be a good start. Because understanding the cause always guides us towards the best solution.Factors affecting aesthetic smileAmount of gingival tissue visualization

  • Size and shape of teethVertical position of the upper jaw and teeth relative to the skullLength and degree of movement of the upper lip

It usually ends in adulthood when growth is complete and the permanent teeth meet the teeth in the opposite jaw. But the process does not stop there; the gum and bone tissues recede with time and are fixed somewhere in the early 20s. The ideal tooth length (the visible part of the tooth above the gum line) is about 10 mm; this is considered normal. The ratio of crown width to tooth length is about 75-85%, which is also considered normal.Crown LengtheningThe gum appearance caused by excessive gum tissue covering the crowns of the teeth can be corrected with a procedure called crown lengthening. The gum tissue around the tooth is surgically removed. When the excess gum covering the tooth crown is removed, the entire tooth will be visible and an aesthetic appearance will be provided with the tooth elongated and the gum shortened. This procedure is actually performed to remove excess gum tissue and show the full length of the underlying teeth.The bone that supports the gums can be reshapedIf the operation to be applied only to the gums is not sufficient, the bone supporting the gums is reshaped. It is a procedure that should be performed without exposing the root surface.The Effect of Tooth Wear on Gum AppearanceTooth wear of the tips of the teeth can also cause changes in the ratio of gums to teeth.With wear, the teeth gradually shorten and move towards the opposite teeth to compensate for the wear. This movement is very slow. Although it happens very slowly, the gum also moves and lengthens with the tooth. In this case, the tooth will be shortened due to abrasion and the gum will be lengthened with tooth movement.The Effect of Tooth Deficiency on Gum AppearanceA similar situation occurs with tooth loss. Tooth lengths can be corrected with orthodontic treatment to bring the affected teeth into the correct position.Botox Upper LipBy preventing the movement of the muscles, it is possible to prevent the gums from appearing. Short upper lip or excessive movement of the upper lip during smiling also causes the gums to be visible. After the evaluation with the dentist, if your problem is that your lips are lifted too much, it is possible to eliminate the gingival smile with botox application.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu