If you have one or more missing teeth, the best option might be dental implants or a dental bridge. Dental implants or a dental bridge are applied to improve chewing function, eliminate the need for uncomfortable dentures, and enhance appearance. To help you decide whether dental implant application or a dental bridge is the right …

Four Important Advantages of Getting Implants

If you have one or more missing teeth, the best option might be dental implants or a dental bridge. Dental implants or a dental bridge are applied to improve chewing function, eliminate the need for uncomfortable dentures, and enhance appearance. To help you decide whether dental implant application or a dental bridge is the right procedure for you, we have decided to examine four main advantages as istanbuldent.

1- Protects Your Existing Teeth

Dental bridges, which are a cost-effective way to protect your remaining teeth, transfer the load of missing teeth to the teeth used as anchors. When these teeth are overloaded, they may start to wobble. Dental bridges made with two implants in the area of the missing teeth can easily serve for three teeth.

2- Restores Your Chewing Function by Completing Missing Teeth

If you have lost several teeth, your chewing ability is significantly compromised. This results in increased pressure on your remaining teeth, ultimately leading to their early deterioration.

3- Implants Help Improve Your Speech

A dental bridge will also eliminate issues related to speech impairment. Tooth loss often leads to speech disorders and difficulty in pronouncing words comfortably. This process is available for patients with insufficient bone in the jaw. In some cases, there is not enough jawbone to support the implant. Since single tooth implants can be placed in ‘tooth gaps’, a dental implant bridge can solve this problem, and then a bridge is fixed. It serves as a complete tooth with minimal impact on the jawbone and minimal use of implants.

4- Achieve Fixed Teeth with Dental Implants That Make You Feel Secure

A bridge prosthesis made on a dental implant can solve this problem as it is permanently fixed in your mouth, offering a sense of security and a natural tooth feel. A dental implant bridge provides more support than a traditional denture. Unlike traditional dentures, the dental implant bridge is permanently fixed, so there is no need to remove it for cleaning purposes. Additionally, it feels and functions like natural dentures and does not cause any discomfort associated with movement, which is often related to traditional dentures. A dental implant bridge has the most predictable long-term outcome. If you think this might be an option for you, you should consult with our implant clinic.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu