How are we damaging our dental health?Edit with ElementorLoading

Factors that Disrupt Dental Health

How are we damaging our dental health?

  • Excessive consumption of tea and coffee leads to discoloration of the teethand therefore the use of abrasive pastes/brushes. When we clean the tooth surfaces and want the teeth to look white, we cause abrasion on the teeth. Abraded teeth cannot perform their normal functions and cause problems such as sensitivity and even pain.
  • Using the teeth as a tool can cause deformities in the shape and position of the teeth as well as oral infections. Nail biting, biting pens or pipes, picking thread, breaking the shells of nuts are bad habits that damage teeth.
  • Sucking and/or biting lips and cheeks usually starts at a young age and may continue throughout life. Continuous cheek and lip biting and finger sucking can cause soft tissue infections, mouth sores and taste disturbances. Long-term trauma can cause problems that can lead to cancer.
  • Teeth clenching and grinding is another important disorder that damages our teeth and surrounding tissues in the mouth. It causes significant wear on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. It reduces the vertical dimensions of the teeth and sensitivity begins. Neck and back pains increase due to teeth clenching. Irreversible problems occur in the jaw joint.
  • Breaking ice with teeth is one of the most common problems in the formation of broken and cracked teeth. When ice comes into contact with teeth, you are both thermally shocked and physical force is applied due to its long hardness. Therefore, when the ice breaks, problems arise that can cause necrosis in the teeth.
  • We know that lip and tongue piercingsnegatively affect the teeth. Continuous contact of a metal object with the tooth surface causes abrasion of the surface and the formation of bacteria in the mouth.
  • Malnutrition, especially excessive consumption of sweets, causes tooth decay. Acidic foods, energy drinks, instant fruit juices initiate the formation of sugar and acid on the teeth. Thus, teeth decay easily. Consuming natural fruits and avoiding sugar consumption is recommended for tooth and gum health.
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Rana Mutlu