The search for an ideal aesthetic material to restore teeth has led to significant advances in both aesthetic materials and the techniques used. Composites represent one of the most important advances in dental aesthetics. Adhesive materials that are adhesive and give a stronger bond to dentin further simplify filling treatment techniques. The possibilities for innovative …

Composite White Filling and Dental Aesthetics

The search for an ideal aesthetic material to restore teeth has led to significant advances in both aesthetic materials and the techniques used. Composites represent one of the most important advances in dental aesthetics. Adhesive materials that are adhesive and give a stronger bond to dentin further simplify filling treatment techniques. The possibilities for innovative uses of dental aesthetic materials are exciting and almost limitless.

Although these materials are called resin-based composites, composite resins and others, by composites we mean the most direct aesthetic restorations. They differ from porcelain/ceramic or glass ionomer aesthetic restorations only. There is also some information presented about various types of composites, including microfill, hybrid.

Choosing a material to correct tooth decay and other imperfections in teeth remains a controversial topic. Tooth-colored materials such as composites are used in almost all types and sizes of restorations. Compared to the least aesthetic porcelain crowns, such restorations can be achieved with minimal loss of tooth structure, little or no discomfort, relatively short working time and little cost to the patient. However, when enamel loss in a tooth is extensive (especially in areas of heavy occlusal function) and for teeth in an area where aesthetics are of primary importance, the best treatment is usually a ceramic inlay/onlay or porcelain crown.

Dental Aesthetics is Personalized

Aesthetic appearance is primarily determined by one’s perception and is subject to wide variations. What is pleasing to one patient may be completely unacceptable to another. For example, some people have no objection to gold or metallic restorations on their front teeth, while many find these restorations unaesthetic.

It is the dentist’s responsibility to present a patient with reasonable restoration alternatives, but the patient should be given an opportunity to help make the final decision on which alternative to choose. It is helpful to explain the procedure and show the patient color photographs and models of teeth restored by various methods. Computer simulation of possible treatment outcomes using computer imaging technology is also useful. Many patients do not realize that some teeth or parts of teeth are not visible during normal lip movements.

Most people want their teeth to look natural, including areas that are not normally visible in dentistry.

“The aesthetic quality of the restoration can be important for the patient’s mental health, as the biological and technical qualities of the restoration depend on his or her physical or dental health.” Skinner

Nowadays, aesthetic concerns are primary factors for dental treatments.

The lifespan of an aesthetic restoration depends on many factors, including the nature and extent of the initial problem, the treatment procedure, the restorative material used and the skills of the dentist, as well as patient factors such as oral hygiene, occlusion and negative habits. Since all direct aesthetic restorations are bonded to the tooth structure, the effectiveness of the bonding is crucial to the success and longevity of these restorations. Failures can be caused by a number of reasons such as trauma, improper tooth preparation, cheap materials and misuse of dentistry. The dentist is responsible for performing or carrying out each surgical procedure with meticulous care and attention to detail. However, great emphasis is placed on patient cooperation. Long-term clinical success requires a patient to be knowledgeable about the causes of dental disease and motivated to take preventive measures such as a proper diet, good oral hygiene and regular preventive care visits to the dentist.

They have largely replaced tooth-colored materials used for aesthetic restorations. Composite restorative materials now have a fixed place in universal clinical practice. They can be used almost anywhere in the mouth for any type of restorative procedure. Naturally, there are factors to consider for each specific application. The reasons for this expansion of these materials relate to improvements in both their ability to bond to the tooth structure (enamel and dentin) and their physical properties. The possibility of bonding a relatively strong material (composite) to the tooth structure (composite) results in a treated tooth that is well bonded and regains most of its strength.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu