Spaced teeth can cause significant appearance defects in the person and can cause the teeth and smile to fail to achieve facial harmony. If there is more than one tooth gap in the teeth in the front part, people feel extremely uncomfortable with this situation and request dentists to close these gaps.In the mouth, gaps …

Closing Gaps Between Teeth

Spaced teeth can cause significant appearance defects in the person and can cause the teeth and smile to fail to achieve facial harmony. If there is more than one tooth gap in the teeth in the front part, people feel extremely uncomfortable with this situation and request dentists to close these gaps.

In the mouth, gaps can be seen in the teeth due to reasons such as the size of the teeth being smaller than they should be or the jawbone being larger. These gaps caused by the incompatibility between tooth and jawbone size are called diastema in dentistry. Although the reason for both causes among the public is that the teeth are small, we, as dentists, are able to define what the real problem is.

Dentists can perform orthodontic treatment by applying braces or transparent braces to the teeth to eliminate the psychological problems experienced in the presence of spaced teeth, which are quite common today. In addition to this, the treatment of the separated teeth can also be provided by applying dental veneers, laminated dental treatment or bonding application on the teeth.

Depending on the current tooth and jaw width of the person, we, as your dentist, help the patient to determine the most appropriate treatment method, taking into account the patient’s wishes and expectations.

With the correctly selected technique and material, very good aesthetic results are obtained from the treatments applied especially in the treatment of separated teeth. Different patients who applied to our clinic with complaints of multiple gaps in their teeth had to be treated differently and each of them was extremely satisfied with the treatment method applied to them. As can be understood from this example, the treatment method to be chosen for each person can be different even if the problems seem to be the same.

If your small teeth give the appearance of separation, there is definitely something that can be done with aesthetic dentistry applications. It may be possible to get good results with more than one treatment method. You can choose one of these treatment methods according to your priorities. For example, while orthodontic treatment with braces is a solution for closing the gaps between small teeth, the same gaps can be closed with lamina dental veneers or bonding. If the preference is a fast treatment, lamina veneers or bonding can be preferred instead of braces.

Why are the front teeth spaced?

There may be gaps between the teeth due to physiological or pathological reasons. Arrangement, color, shape, shape, position disorders involving the front teeth disrupt the harmony of the teeth and the face in patients. This situation causes not only aesthetic problems but also psychological problems, especially in young people. Pathological conditions such as tooth movements, early tooth loss, thick muscle group called frenylum, unbalanced muscle functions in the mouth, odontoma, cysts and cleft lip and palate can also cause intermittent tooth formation.

Gaps between more than one tooth, especially in the anterior region, are called multiple diastema. Genetic factors are among the most important causes. It occurs when the child inherits a large jaw from the mother, a small tooth from the father or vice versa. Some syndromes and hormonal disorders are among the systemic causes.

Bad habits (such as improper breathing, finger and tongue sucking) can also cause diastemas.

Which method is used in the treatment of spaced teeth?

Orthodontic, prosthetic or restorative procedures can be successfully applied to eliminate such aesthetic problems that can be seen very commonly in society. Different treatment procedures can be preferred according to each case. The most commonly used methods are zirconium tooth coating, lamina application and bonding application. Some patients do not prefer orthodontic treatmentbecause of its long duration.

What are the prices for split tooth treatment?

It varies according to the treatment method to be applied. While there are cases that can be solved with a simple bonding process for 500-1000 TL, sometimes the treatment cost can be 3-5 thousand TL. When you come to our clinic, we will make a treatment recommendation based on your wishes, expectations and needs and we will decide together on the best method for you.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu