ccur?The hardest layer on the tooth is the enamel layer. It protects the tooth like a shield. However, due to the accumulation of food residues on the tooth and the bacterial plaque that forms over time, this layer unfortunately becomes favorable for caries. Bacterial plaque formed on the tooth surface starts to produce acid within …
The hardest layer on the tooth is the enamel layer. It protects the tooth like a shield. However, due to the accumulation of food residues on the tooth and the bacterial plaque that forms over time, this layer unfortunately becomes favorable for caries. Bacterial plaque formed on the tooth surface starts to produce acid within a short time. Therefore, it must be cleaned within the first 30 minutes. Otherwise, holes may form on the enamel surface. These bacterial acids, which gradually progress from the surface towards the living pulp tissue of the tooth, start to cause severe pain when they reach the pupation chamber.

Amount of Sugar = Amount of Decayed Teeth
Tooth decay is directly linked to sugar consumption. Sugar combines with bacterial plaque and weakens the tooth. Acid formation starts within half an hour after consuming sugar. Due to the acid, destruction of the enamel layer of the tooth begins. Teeth should be treated before the destruction progresses from the enamel to the dentin layer. In order not to lose the tooth, it is necessary to treat the decay before it progresses.

How to prevent tooth decay?
Applications such as fluorine-containing gel, toothpaste or dental floss can be applied on tooth surfaces to protect against tooth decay. The procedure to be performed after the cavity is opened on the tooth is the filling process. However, when the filling is made before the decay progresses to deep layers, it will be a long-term and durable dental filling. Otherwise, as the decay approaches the pupal chamber, both the sensitivity after filling will be higher and the resistance of the tooth and the filling will be less.

Carious Tooth Treatment
Approach to tooth decay: Today it is possible to treat tooth decay with methods such as fillings or root canal treatment. However, very modern dentistry aims to prevent its formation. For this purpose, fluoride applications can be made on the teeth at an early age.
Priority Preventive Medicine
Periodic visits to the dentist are recommended (usually every six months). It is necessary to teach the child the habit of brushing and make sure that he/she brushes his/her teeth for at least 2 minutes each time. In this way, the look will be less and less.
The enamel layer of the tooth on which caries has formed despite all efforts is scraped clean. This prevents the decay from progressing.
The decayed area is cleaned by the dentist. If you do not feel pain during this cleaning with rotating instruments. However, in advanced dental caries, pain may be felt during scraping operations in areas close to the pulp chamber. Local anesthesia will be sufficient to prevent pain.
Caries are classified according to their depth.
- E1 New onset of dental caries
- E2 Stage of caries that has progressed from the enamel level to caries approaching the dentin level of the tooth.
- D1 Presence of caries at the dentin level.
- D2 Stage of dental caries that has reached the lower layers of dentin but has not reached the pulp.
- D3 is caries that has progressed to the hard tissues of the tooth and into the pupal chamber.
If the decay has progressed in the lower layers of the tooth, the life of the tooth filling will be short. Cold and hot sensitivity of the tooth also increases after filling.
Dental Fillings for Tooth Decay
Amalgam used to be used as dental filling material. Today, aesthetic composite materials that aesthetically mimic the color of the toothare used. You have dental fillings that are both resistant to chewing pressures and extremely long-lasting.
Another decayed tooth treatment method is inlay onlay applications. They can be produced directly or by taking the impression of the tooth. You can have long-lasting and aesthetic teeth.