In order to feel comfortable in society, people have to have a well-groomed and organized appearance. Especially in the first contact with people in a social environment, people largely focus on facial integrity, that is, the eyes and teeth of the other person.If our teeth have a well-groomed and impressive appearance, we can feel more …

5 Tips for a Happy Smile

In order to feel comfortable in society, people have to have a well-groomed and organized appearance. Especially in the first contact with people in a social environment, people largely focus on facial integrity, that is, the eyes and teeth of the other person.

If our teeth have a well-groomed and impressive appearance, we can feel more comfortable in the most critical first meeting moment. Beautiful and healthy teeth make a great contribution not only to our appearance but also to our general health. In this sense, it is indisputable that we should pay attention to our work in order to look beautiful and be healthy.

When you follow the five points below, you will have taken the most important step to have healthy and beautiful teeth.

1. Regular dental check-ups:

It creates an important opportunity for early diagnosis and treatment of problems that are about to arise in the mouth. We should have regular dental check-ups once or twice a year in accordance with the advice your dentist will give you. Initial tooth decay and especially initial gum diseases can be diagnosed and prevented early thanks to regular check-ups.

The dentist and his/her team will examine the mouth to detect the preliminary symptoms of many diseases and refer you to the relevant branch physician. Some people may have a hereditary predisposition to tooth decay or gum disease. Early diagnosis of these problems, which start to progress in the mouth at a certain age or with a change in eating habits, is of great importance to prevent major problems that may occur.

Each age group has its own specific disease risks. For example, the risk of tooth decay is higher in children during the first eruption of teeth. In middle age and beyond, the progression of periodontal diseases and the bone under the gums may be damaged over time and teeth may be lost without even tooth decay.

Your dentist may recommend preventive procedures considering factors such as your age group, hereditary diseases, eating habits. These preventive procedures can be floor application, fissure sealant or night plaque. If you follow the doctor’s recommendations, your teeth will stay in your mouth longer and you will continue to have the chance to use your teeth, especially at an advanced age.

2. Tooth Brushing:

Brushing one’s teeth regularly is an indispensable condition for oral health. Especially after eating, cleaning the tooth surfaces from bacterial plaque is the most important measure taken to prevent both tooth decay and gum diseases. By brushing the teeth well, the bacterial plaque is removed and the tooth surface can be cleaned with saliva. Dental caries caused by bacteria in the mouth can be prevented in this way. On the other hand, the accumulation of bacterial plaque turns into tartar in the area where the gum and tooth meet, creating a big problem for gum health. Gingival infection and then progressing to the bone, fal diseases cause problems such as gingival bleeding, gingival recession and bad breath. You can watch detailed information about the tooth brushing process you need to do for good oral care on our informative videos page.

3. Use Dental Floss:

Food residues between the teeth may not always be removed with a toothbrush. It will be useful to use dental floss at least once a day after brushing to clean these areas. Thanks to tooth brushing before going to bed, it is ensured that the teeth remain clean throughout the night.

4. Proper Nutrition:

Today, the amount of ground and sugar-added foods is increasing. Gaining the habit of natural nutrition and consuming food in its natural form as much as possible makes an extremely important contribution to our dental health. The calcium we take with food contributes to the hard tissues in the body, that is, bones and our work to be more resistant. For this reason, it is recommended to consume milk and dairy products. Vitamin B and C are nutrients that benefit the soft tissues in the mouth, that is, our gums to be healthier.

Correction of Crooked Teeth:

If you have teeth that are out of alignment in your mouth, it prepares the ground for problems with bite and chewing. Bite disorders, which also negatively affect good nutrition, can be corrected with orthodontic braces treatment method. Orthodontic treatment is a lifelong treatment method that is applied by specialists in big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Denizli, Antalya, especially in big cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Denizli, Antalya, which is completed in about two years. Food deposits that enter between the crooked teeth pose a caries threat to the teeth in the long term. No matter how specially brushed, it is impossible to remove the bacterial plaque between the crooked teeth. Over time, this bacterial plaque produces acid and causes melting of the hard tissue of the tooth and tooth enamel decays.


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Rana Mutlu

Rana Mutlu